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~* l l ‘oAN0E1.NGINil CANADA»

/Us " i ‘rHsalnANo‘ecr-:NsRv SEEN av os- x,' ____g V, ' _ , . lm ._ e /j l’ .:__ef.‘ .,,\/OTEE3 OF THE SPORT. . Q: A.’ H_nndred Rifle Trip Down the ‘Grand

, Rivrer, £rom*_,.,Elora . to Brant1;’ord--'1_‘ho.l ::.l'G’!aIé3';i? °.f.*Beim*s8.*1i° Beside-5M...Pn-E

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S ..,.",,m, HREEtaut little‘ bass-" ' T wood canoes, manned ,, {at the stern, maidened .7 at the bow, six gleam- 3' . ing, agile paddles-— ?and before us arun of .ninety-seven miles on ,‘ one of the most rol- _. licking rivers in On- taric; who would ask more than this for a -_<_. typical outing in merry May—time?. For days and days before- hand old cruisers had vainly tried to dis» ' _, suade us from going. By “us” I mean the , _ f three girls who were mad enough to attempt wire °“bi° ‘"°.’°h°‘ {mm “.0” ‘° ”n°r°'i running those wild rapids. while the water °V°r Whmh '11?‘ " h°3° W1°k°,1,' b“’.’k°t’; was at flood height, and the river swollen w°,rke‘}, by H” “"31?” method °f .punm“ “'3, by recent rains until its fury was threaten- stung’ 'And this m°°t3 an the “mph d°' i ing enough to lessen the desire for a spring mmds °f th° v1u“3°"' We t°u°h°d at '-' cruise even in the sturdy hearts of some of th° balnk fol: " half hour’ and .ha,d an an 1 em. heet eluh men But what we three too brief. ghmpse into ‘an artists home. : girle wehst ettempe in the Way ef an one Luckily it was the studio of Carl A_hrens,: door frolic. and the tasting of genuine who .11“ recently m?'d° such 9 hit m_ d°': Canadian sport is not worth the planning. meat” and chfld P“.mtm3‘ P1°tur.eSq“° “3 That eaheeing ie the meet popular epert ever, surrounded with home affections and, in the Cenedee teeey ie beyond dispute’ effects, the rising artist gave us a welcome and few are the back lakes, rivers and forest that 1”'°,k°d 9°, warmth» and ,Wh°,n We left streams that have not mirrored paddle and two “rust” Jomed "3 in the” tmy bf“'k. Peterboro sail and bivouac; but never be- °‘’‘n°°»-‘‘°°°mPa,nyin3 ‘15 5°m° f°m' mu“; fore hasthat stretch of the Grand which d‘?Wn 3tr°“'m' W‘? b“d° them g,°°dIb3'° gallops between Elora and Brantford been “nth r°qr°t and "k1mm°d °n' Pflmng mm 2, run by ladies. ‘Old canoeists told us we pretty’ graystone Gan. lat 5 001001‘ thatri‘ Wouid never do it___ They, tom em. heye afternoon, scarce_reali_zing that. we had }.- they would regret taking us before the first “"1 m‘rt5,"th’°° “me” “In” m°"m”3' , night closed in; that the cruise was too T118 thuid. day ‘hwned bluer» b“1m"“' long, too arduous, too hazardous; but our even than its predecessor, and we launehed three jolly comrades stood by us and de- Just below ,~the Gait dam,» with various dared that We girls would “pull through» friends and the omnipresent small» boy in in “better shape» than many er the men full force to wish us good luck, for this they had piloted down that wild old river, was t0 be °m' day °,f d‘3'9r m_““m“°h 39 that is one long series of swirls and rapids, W6" brave th° Wllde“ 1"_‘P1‘;,3 °f 311° 1'“’3- from the moment it breaks into the Grand “T119 E1°"°n Lmk "‘P1d9- ,Th° ‘T’-" Falls at Elora until it scampers past the “me °f 1‘ Want my head 1,11" W1“- pretty little city of Brantford, nearly 100 Fun °f.t°n 1135 I h°“rd °f fin“ f‘’'m_°°‘ » miles dietenh stretch of seven miles, wherein eleven wild-e f And we did eterh right in e dewmpem. cats f_ollow_ed one another like the links in .; of rain, whose mist and grayness shut 3' chamr ‘nth but few y‘“°.d3 3P‘°° b°’ : out all too soon the lon , little village of twee“ "h”°m,7°“ °°u1d"b¥?"th° ma 37“? E1o_ra,-—whose site would go a fortune to it 3'°u" P“d,‘n° Wm‘ r°n°‘Y°d 713°“ were eeme epeehleter em’ to erect e eum_ There is nothing in life that sends me as crazy as a rapid. My brain goes sflame when I see the distant whitecaps, my heart pulses wildly with the’ first faint “music of waters galloping madly over their rocky «:,.;’ obstructions, singing, surging, -laughing their endless, ' restless poetry——-the world g’ holds no such music for me as the cool jg” calling of waters that my how will kiss; and conquer before the hour is over. E

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We were in the flrst “link.” I snatched ofi ‘my cap, gripped my paddle afresh, I barely in time as we hurled dashingly into the second rapids, and so ran,-_ the Wild§ Cat, obeyin my blade throughethe entire‘ Eleven Lin 3. ' . 3 Then a stretch of calm, silent waters, tired as a child after play hour, a run

. ’4*‘'.-»/ ////@#J/%/ // LOVERS’ LEAP. - "v'-"**‘*"'~i' . - V ein. In the very heart of '


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