l ; . I H p .. _ ’ . vuuua uvvavun, -K015455515, ‘g , .'_ V V , 5 * ' ‘ their endless, -' restless poetry-—the world _ 4, holds no such 'musie for measgthe ';'co'ol . 5 5} calling of ,waters that my how will ‘kiss -1 ‘sea ’.4H*§..'?.‘. ' 7'.-‘I ., l 0')" 1' -—./ -s. .-1 - ... ' 3;" . ‘ 0 l l I .“ I A 1 ( ': J = ' '2 it V1113 andconquer before the hour is ‘over. .- .-¢? ' " it ; Wewere in the flrst_“link.” I snatched E _ -, -171;; off '_‘my cap, gripped my paddleafresh, ; _ - V ‘ barely in time ‘as ‘exephurled dashingly into " h_--1 '_' . _ '__,,,; she; secgond rapidsslfind so ran; the""lVrld _ , ;;j._'.__ ,g‘‘‘‘ , .5‘; . g a , ’o eyin my do through the entire ‘ft Eleven Lin s. - , ' - ' (,3 . .{~')"/ ‘ Then astretch of calm, silent waterag tired as a child after play hourfa” run 5'. - is ' _ 1 \ 4" :=‘ L 1.2.‘. 'o".."~' .4» '.. ,,_,?._.f&'I~-‘‘‘‘ / .. .. 5 . I I 5 "’ - - .—-‘;.-:=-:-_ ,/g'44_.., _, _ 5 - Lovsns’Ls:.u=. ' A‘ "" 27 mer hotel therein. In the very heart of the village the Grand Fall" pitches itself over a height of fifty feet, splitting at its ‘-brow against an anvil-shaped, cedar- ’;T0T0WI1€d I081! that looms up amid the gfall like some huge obstruction hurled from the hand of a giant god to stem the g ondashing waters that with reunited force : precipitate themselves in myriads of lesser )_ cascades until, amid clouds of spray and 1 renewed violence, they leap into the can- . 1_?»on’s throat, whose ever-gaping granite . 1,‘. _,”_.(,,l J _ _M_" 4 ]8.WS await greedily to swallow the tumul-. \ p , tuous stream into its immutable ‘;kéé;);-;a_’-V _ .'§;‘ "3 cavern. ~' Immediately below the fall i‘-:"",”':'.,r.}fi.'-'>/ .,K"¥<.,1.»'~.., f‘ ' t139____ _riv_e.r___.twists‘ itself into the - i " p . ,,,___.i . -..— ~... _- l norkscrew Rapids,’ A then- . squeezes; ,-_.___.-1," " ,...‘ ‘*2; ‘ ; its breadth into’the Narrows, af_ter flinging i A ,- 'rWO“im'rIsie*1:Urns.iru 8 over f past the Lovers _Leap, a huge Jagged PIG‘ through the Town of sing; 8 p01‘ £8 6 \, montory at the Junction of the Grand and its um-unable dam, an t en or can . A v a lesser stream called the Irvin, at -which Fifteen ‘miles pf ‘alternate ruflctlsl point the gorge rises perpendicularly §1- gentle shores; of gpurhng. 1811 0° 9 most a hundred feet in a mapsiivg p1le,m:'5 streams, of yel10Wdl361&C1r1<::i*;:g1g°f 2 . . _ n 6 . sfiliglddrtgslilif :1:£gapif;fliii: eliargyngedar, 2 “l:e1:i'e§I;e:3gipIf:<§z;B. ceases singins whose roots miraculously draw their nutri~ Of banks Starred with trimums and wild ment from those earthless cliflfs. violets. of bins ymow with dandelion’ 1 Below the Narrows another rock frowns ‘Moon; Rpiked with blades of river iris’ ‘mt conspicuously ’ It is canefi - “The Old ‘ltfd then familiar spires and steeples out- 2 Man,“ Fa°9’" 8'8 it bears 9' stnkmg madam- line the eastward sky’, before us lies Brant- Nance I-iota intyirllgu erI‘1-){‘l‘i‘ftTOT(‘!1d.% algae [gfidnglaepipgNin,_@g_§I}118hiT19. behind “,3 ' biealis in ‘£3? ,1, and finally sinks exh:::t;c;~ -gorge at E1014, we drift slowly,.regre;'fug1); ] aancl lulled into a huge §f°n° ;E).8.s11'\n this toward the boathouse, where stan. . l 33 "The D°"’i1"’ Bunch “owl: below The men who taunted us with probable failure. we launched our three frail craft. _ .,d t We havg had no disaster, no upset, noth temPtati°n to run ‘this magnificent Wfleicfls ing but success, so the men cheer’ am was almost irresistible, but_ our caut hurrah us’ can us ftsome -of the boys, auc pilots refused all importunities. fth make hands heartily as we beach the la- The 0111.‘! thmgs that mada life W0: ‘,8 time, for our sweet. mad cruise is over. living that day were the beauty of.’ <1-m_ _- E. PAULINE J onxsox. landscape and-—dinner. Our course 13.: ,' -—- 4 through one of Ontarlo’s finest farming ' ‘istricts, for, after leaving lallora, all hints . 9: ..~t*.~*,,;~..:—~i..-,-7:1./~.:=er=:v~rxite d1saPP°a‘-rd 8°‘ though by magic.‘ ,’ ' . Fevf People that see $1113 8°31 “Yer of Is Ontario know how 1D<1P01't3nt1Y the natme , as the Grand figured in the early treaty” between Britain and the vIndians.h AI 61: [the war of independence. When t °1.r°d quois adhered to. England and signs. 1:; :, their intention to settle in her domaip, 3 -._royal grant 9: land to. ‘The six Na 1.2%? comprised .- “the territory 13"-D8 ’,J"’1r_,,m six miles . on both sides of the {Grand ' River,“ ~from- its ' source ,..;_up jzto its" . mouth.."‘”_6 tract ;th_at in- ;cluded pa larger portion of the_pii¢3aseni; {Counties of Wellin on, 1 WaterloO,r;' "39. {and Haldimand. _ hat was 100 Year” 33° '3 ‘and what have the ' Six ’ Nations now? ;~A rscrap of reserve‘ embracinfl _53.000_ W193 °f uninteresting, timberless ' and in maI(11)' places marshy land,..“Wh1,1O $119 831',d°n. 18'“ ,5 ofthe river are agai __in _l’-11° ,_Wh1§°N”:f"1:; possession.-‘~‘ To be l_fl11'°»‘” the Six 3.19 n have‘ deposited $800,000 W1tl1_.th_° D_°.m1m‘{ Government._"5_ It is f_«h9 §3_1°_ Pn°°- ‘°f ofi Y, some of their lands,_but notpeerly the ‘La tghereof. «;_But_a1t11,°J”~31? ’°h°9°.; §.‘3°r.°?- d f O, ~lon‘g‘.been strangers *0 “#9 1¥}__°°°3'.3m,e. 0 -5, ‘ofther}3d‘hunte1';f.31t-hough, sma“Y»=»F"%9§’1‘,} .hav'e:j:P§.led and §.1951.'v9in.°°‘~-l‘h°5~°- ~m‘3 5’ _,...-- I \ L;,1m3:;:,m_d «,':jgs’g’;;:;sprgg_e .,.._~:,~T§l4.§é.>.1,5g,_ .:..I.1£*_3.I*._":’59..‘E§;e. ‘V branches abovethe harken _bivoua‘c' oz; tna;