


File details
ID Label Size Mimetype Created
RELS-EXT Fedora Object to Object Relationship Metadata. 982 B application/rdf+xml 2016-06-10
MODS MODS Record 3.65 KiB text/xml 2015-04-17
DC DC Record 2.68 KiB text/xml 2015-04-17
OBJ The Pace of Academic Prototyping v14 paper (1).pdf 4.67 MiB application/pdf 2015-04-17
TECHMD TECHMD 3.48 KiB application/xml 2015-04-17
TN TN 5.02 KiB image/jpeg 2015-04-17
PREVIEW PREVIEW 62.21 KiB image/jpeg 2015-04-17
FULL_TEXT FULL_TEXT 49.78 KiB text/plain 2015-04-17
WORKFLOW WORKFLOW DS 569 B text/xml 2015-04-17
POLICY XACML Policy Stream 12.22 KiB application/xml 2016-06-10
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